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A country where only cool, awesome, athletic, strong, awesome, non-hater, people live. People do not age while they live in swagistan, and the location is confidential. here are some facts:
Population: 10,000
GDP per capita: 10.4 trillion dollars
Available units in the armed forces: Chuck Norris
people from Swagistan are known as "Swagistanis"

People must play at least one of the following Minecraft, Call of duty, Homefront, Fifa, GTA, or Battlefield.

National Anthem:
"Oh swagistan, not to be confused with fagistan, is the greatest country ever!, (Epic gutair solo)

Custom's Officer "I'm going to need your country of orgin"
Swagistani "Swagistan"
Custom's Officer "Oh... welcome carry on, I don't need any I.D"

by A Random Swagistani October 21, 2011

29👍 9👎