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someone who acts like a spasticated fool.

shut up you sydrome.

by age July 25, 2003

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Blowjob Sydrome

Where You gave a blowjob for the first time and you want to do it again.

I gave my boyfriend a blowjob for the 1st time last night... And I thought I wouldn't like it but now I wanna suck so bad. I think I have blowjob sydrome

by Rxanaa November 4, 2009

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Symtoms include:

- Extreme shyness causing an inabilty to talk to the opposite sex coherently

- Nervousness to the point of shaking, dry mouth, thought loss, and/or loss of words

- Denying that girls want your penis when in reality they are actally lusting for it in an almost in humane manner.

- Studying in the libary during lunch hours rather than haning out with friends or trying to make friends.

- No interest in social/cultural events such as "HOMECOMING"

- There are many other subtle symptoms, only a professional can properly diagnose Bunny.Meatball-sydrome

The kid failed at talking to the girl who obviosly wanted him and went to paint his bike instead because he has a sever case of Bunny.Meatball-sydrome.

by Who knows?? i'll never tell you! May 3, 2006

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Townrow sydrome

a disorder which gives u the triats of a whiney small child like character which wants to burrow EVERYTHING! u own.... and are going to own, with a highly irritating laugh which kills small african orphans if it ever laughs at all also it is INCREDIBLY unloved in every way by everyone and will humps its masters leg down to the bonemarrow.

bloke 1: man townnrow wanted to burrow my SOUL!!!
bloke 2: if u dont giv it too him we will whine then hump ur leg
townrow: "laughs"
small african orphan: X.X
bloke 3: my god i just witnessed an act of Townrow sydrome

by dud3 88 January 21, 2011

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Writer's Sydrome

A writer who doesn't care about fame or fortune as long as someone reads their story and enjoys it. As long as their story got attention enough to put a smile on somebody's face is enough for them to continue to write.

That guy in our class spends his time and writes all those fan fictions has severe writer's sydrome. He can't stop writing cause his fans love his stories.

by Closet Possum July 19, 2017

down sydrome

any illness or affliction that a human being or animal may or may not be suffering from

Please thouroughly cook my hamburger, I don't want to catch down sydrome from undercooked meat.

Person A: I feel sick, but I don't know what it is
Person B: Maybe it's down sydrome, I heard that its going around

by Dougie V. July 19, 2003

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cool guy sydrome

ADHD, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Got diagnosed with cool guy sydrome...now I take adderall

by turtlekid7 December 18, 2017