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an acronym for "That's What I'm Talking About"

"we going to drink till we pass out, TWITA"

announcer 1: "and he's running and HE SCORES!!"
announcer 2: "That's What I'm Talking About!"

by AlbeatU September 19, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


That's What I'm Talking About

Ben: Would somebody please kindly explain what that Nature's Own ad on TV is about? They say that going without sleep for 17 hours is equivalent to having a 0.05 blood alcohol level. Huh? People do that every day. I don't get it.
Chris: 7 hours sleep??? pfffft they must be on drugs!


by _en May 16, 2013

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of people that keep saying "That's what I'm talking about".

Hey, you see those guys? They keep saying"That's what I'm talking about" for no reason. They're totally TWITA.

by Isidorf July 11, 2018


Thatโ€™s What Iโ€™m Talkin About ;( with spoken emphasis usually on "that's") it is used to express enthusiastic support for whatever "that" refers to in context

If some where to say something you could relate to and support โ€œ yeah man TWITAโ€

by BigKhaos September 4, 2022