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a young lady who loves to do hair, sing, and party. she is very beautiful lady and focuses on everything for school and a job. she is kind, always happy. her voice can charm many boys.

tavia your very beautiful.
you can sing very well.

by theflawlessqueen123 October 24, 2015

146πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A beatiful, pretty, smart, gorgeus, amazing girl. Everybody wants to have a Tavia as there friend or more than that.
Tavia is the preetiest girl on the Earth. Tavia is caring, giving, and wonderful.

" wow do you see that Tavia, were so lucky to see one"

" I want a Tavia"

by RoXyGiRl<3<3 December 23, 2011

212πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


She is a smart loving and sassy girl she very social with everyone and loves to talk a lot even tho it might get her in trouble she a great friend to have and will always cheer u up with her amazing humour and a lot of guys are attracted to her from her THICC figure #sister thicc

Did u see tavia oh she so thicc πŸ’¦

by ToOkUrMaN27658 February 27, 2019

33πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A sweet, talented, beautiful young lady who seems untamed by any mans definition. Independent to the fullest. Always the trend setter. A blast to be around, a true friend, and the most amazing lover there ever was!

Tavia your the BEST!

by nevaeha February 3, 2010

454πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž


Tavia is the coolest person ever πŸ˜‡ She’s super nice and funny but sometimes can be excruciatingly out of pocket. Tavia is the prettiest ever and sometimes she makes fun of people but that doesn’t make her any less amazing :)

Tavia is so rude but its fine

Is that Tavia??? Wanna hang out πŸ€¨β‰οΈ

Tavia is a hardcore Star Wars fan..🀦 ♀️

Tavia: β€œOH MY GOSH *foams at mouth* Pedro Pascal”

by Lev200 July 7, 2022


Someone who will screw you over and leave you after they have cleaned you out of everything you have ever worked hard for, She will use you and abuse you and the. play the victim and claim she did nothing wrong. If you ever meet someone named Tavia run as far and as fast as you can.

I met this sweet lady named Tavia she seems like a good girl

You need to run away as fast as you can before she ruins your life.

by StotheMFGAME July 27, 2022

4πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The 8th child. Many people have their own definition of her and the definitions can and will vary. She's pretty annoying and idrk why people like her.

Tavia? I like her!

Oh Tavia? yeah she's not my kinda person

by ujt December 3, 2019

3πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž