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1) The continuous act of teabagging.
2) Leaving your "tea bag" exposed or soaking in the mouth of another.
3) Enjoying a drink called the "craptain teabag" (made of captain morgan and iced tea)

Levere's constant teabaggery has left his balls exposed to the elements

-Can I get a double captain and iced tea?

-Sorry sir we don't condone teabaggery at this establishment.

Open your mouth and say ah. Here comes a nightsworth of teabaggery ho.

by dr. seif May 29, 2011

5👍 1👎

wet teabaggery

The telling of outlandish stories and making of outrageous requests for the sake of the lulz.

Jeffery: Man, my dog ate my bicycle, can I have 100 bucks for a new one?

Steve: Man, that's just a load of wet teabaggery!

by slurpstur April 9, 2010

5👍 2👎

Dark Dark Road to Teabaggery

1. A time when numerous drunk men, ala a bachelor party, are without women and are falling asleep.

"I watched Al fall asleep, it looks like he is taking the Dark Dark Road to Teabaggery."

by Zach, Al, Petey, Greg, Luke May 30, 2009