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Officer Tenpenny is a police officer in the award winning game series; Grand Theft Auto. Officer Tenpenny is one of Carl Johnson's biggest enemies, yet Carl is forced to work for the man. Officer Tenpenny tried to kill Carl numerous times, onlt to fail and end up killed himself
See Carl Johnson

Tenpenny: I aint stayin round here, Carl, these riots could kill a cop...
Carl: So your gonna catch a plane?
Tenpenny: Dingdingdingding! I am LEAVING San Andreas!

by San An Lover November 27, 2004

128👍 22👎


To dispatch an enemy with brutality.

Tenpenny is a character that when attacked will yell out "Such Brutality!"

Al Capone took a bat and tenpennied the rat.

by Mr. Crowly July 25, 2011

1👍 1👎

Frank Tenpenny

Officer Frank Tenpenny of the Los Santos Police Department is a lying, cheating, murdering little mark-ass bitch! If you see this motherfucker, this sorry-ass, motherfucking mark-ass bitch, punk, trick, busta, fool then do me a favour and pop a cap in his bitch ass! This fool has caused nothing but trouble for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas star Carl Johnson...

1. Frank Tenpenny is a mark-ass bitch!
2. If any of y'all see Tenpenny, dump on that fool!
3. Officer Frank Tenpenny is one corrupt cop!

by Carl Johnson December 11, 2004

55👍 14👎

Tenpennied Fuck

To not care at all about something, to not give tenth of a penny.

KYLE: "Wow you see mike in his basketball game yesterday, he fell and broke his arm!"
ERIC: "Yea, I dont really give a tenpennied fuck, i hated that kid."

by lukemcneil March 1, 2011

4👍 2👎