Source Code


1: A Tetris piece

2: A group consisting of four parts

1: "Argh, stupid 'L' tetrad, where's that bar tetrad!"

2: "Hey, this tetrad of pies looks good. I think I'll eat the apple one first."

by Mako April 30, 2005

3👍 1👎

Jordan Peterson's Dark Tetrad Traits

Ok so yeah he does seem to think that only the 3% of people have these personality traits... SO, I made a list!

Hym "Here is a list of Jordan Peterson's Dark Tetrad Traits (with evidence!). Trait 1. Machiavellianism (Manipulation): Jordan likes to speak at a certain level of abstraction to obfuscate his beliefs (Regarding whether or not he believes in God or free will) and manipulate how he is conceptualized. Trait 2. Psychopathy (Parasitism): Has a parasitic relationship with his clients. Regularly using them for his own profit. Also parasitizes ME. Trait 3. Sadism Admits to having sadistic fantasies. Trait 4. Narcissism: Thinks he's "more competent" than everyone and thinks that anyone who even calls his integrity into question is jealous of him. Thinks he's above the rules and refuses to follow them. So... There you have it. Jordan Peterson's Dark Tetrad Traits. He's either part of the 3% or he's wrong."

by Hym Iam May 22, 2023

6👍 5👎

Dark tetrad

I'd like to understand this a little better. So... You have the "Big dick energy" personality traits and it looks something like this:


| | | | |


And then you have "the bad one" which is:


| | | |

M Na P S

Now, what I want to better understand is the overlap between the two. Apparently if you are high in this 👉 E and low in this C 👈 you are high in this 👉 Na. And if you are low in this A 👈 and low in this 👉 C you are high in this 👉 P. What about the rest of them? Or are you wiping the slate clean? Is narcissism not linked to extroversion now that it's inconvenient?

Hym "It seems like more good one vs bad one framing. What it looks like is that I went on a diatribe about how the people who are weaponizing schizophrenia by covertly making reference to me without acknowledging me (which Jordan WASN'T doing initially but is doing now because that's what HE BELIEVES OUGHT to be happening and is perfectly appoint himself the arbiter of what OUGHT to happen) and NOW, Jordan has decided to participate and is TRYING TO BEND THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY to his will as his way of saying 'NO YOU'RE THE MACHIAVELLIAN NARCISSIST! YOUR ARE! SEE!? I GOT MY COLLEGES TO CREATE A NEW SET OF PERSONALITY TRAITS FOR THE BAD ONES AND YOU'RE THE BAD ONE! IT'S THE DARK TETRAD!' and we can watch in real time as he has his license taken away, loses friends, disgraces his profession to try and punish if mildly out of shape, bullied, good natured, mulatto, nerd with negative self-perception issues (according to Dan Harmon) Hey, I got a 5th personality trait to add to the tetrad. DISHONESTY. There. Now you can balance them out. Now they both have 5. Dishonesty. Like saying that you have 10 lawsuits against you and then revealing that they aren't ACTUALLY lawsuits. Hey, how is what they are doing to me not manipulation? Because they're motives vary. The people doing at are all different and it ranges from get me to move, get me to kill myself, 'help' me behave in accordance with THEIR will instead of my own. Open question."

by Hym Iam February 14, 2023