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The meal deal

If someone says the meal deal to you or shouts it just know that person is talking about a supreme human that will run you down if you chat to him and buys reduced sandwhiches in its meal deal

Girl: what’s the meal deal

Both men: do not speak of his name...

by Allnoer October 19, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The meal deal

When a girl has big tits and her nipples are like beef bugers

I slept with this girl last night she had it all including the meal deal big tits big nips it's like a meal deal

by Wanglerz August 3, 2017

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Meal Deal

A set of at least 2 (usually 3) prepared and packaged food items (can be any of these: sandwich/wrap, crisps/treat, drink) that are sold together for a discounted price at a supermarket.

Is usually bought by those who are outgoing and are in a hurry, as a snack, saving more time than prepare a proper meal.

(UK-based term)

Worker: "Sorry I'm late. I ended up buying meal deal from the shop."

by Joshie2499 August 15, 2016

30πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

meal deal

Confusing McDonald's term for all the soccer mum's out there, you get the normal food you would get in a meal but with a deal as well.

McStaffHi can I take your order?
ParentCan I have a large quarter pounder meal deal?
McStaffWhat size would you like that in?

by Anonymous #3333 November 14, 2007

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Meal Deal

Another way of saying β€œomg”. Originated by the lemon cult, can also be expressed with the emojis πŸ₯˜πŸ€.

β€œmeal deal pls I can’t deal with you”

by lemoncult November 9, 2020

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Meal Deal

A term used to describe a drug dealer who will deliver by car within 45 minutes of calling usually between the hours of 6pm - 1.30am in northern england.

Bring- bring...... bring-bring......."Heeeello?"

"Hey Meal Deal, You deliverin' tonight, duck?"

"Yeah, gimme about 45 minutes."

by o'hara22 July 3, 2010

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meal deal

The sexual act of making a cream pie in someone’s anus then eating it out usually followed by a strong drink. It is named after the supermarket deal also called a meal deal in which you buy a main, a snack and a drink for a low price. In the sexual act, the cream pie is the main, the potential shit from the arse is the snack and the drink afterwards is the drink.

Person 1- hey want to go get a meal deal?
Person 2(person 1s SO) -ok

Person 1- Tesco or co-op?
Person 2- neither *gives person 1 a meal deal*

by Throwaway handle February 22, 2018

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