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Part 1
A Tiea is an X-member of the 229 and therefore a 229'er. Not to be confused with being in the X-Men. However, she is a mutant. Her powers are more honorable as she seeks to destroy all lies. Like Krystola, she will cast spells on your ass but not with sparklers. She will walk around your house with sticks and lit candles when she does you in. Don't need no stinking sparklers!!

Tia-Maria's are beautiful and amazing creatures. They love having fun and have beautiful smiles.
Tiea's are also prone to mood swings and sitting in truck for prolonged periods of time. One must first observe her mood from a distance before approaching. If it's safe you may approach a Tiea but if not it's better to wait until you see a smile. She has a spectacular smile.

Tiea will make you biscuits and they are grander than Grands especially when she puts strawberries in them. She will also keep you alive when she let's you eat the food she stockpiles but sometimes other members do not like that you can F up all the food you want so beware plotting IS afoot.

Tiea's will take you arrowhead digging when they find out you wanna go so bad.
Tiea's will wash clothes nonstop too and use up ALLLL the Tide in the house.
Tiea's also mix up cheap laundry soap in the Tide bottle but don't tell Triple D.

See part 2- if you can handle it??!

229'er- Who's that sitting in that truck over there?
Princess Weirdo- Gasps as she takes an step backwards saying stand back!! It's a tiea-Maria!!!
229'er 2-What's a Tiea-Maria, PW?
Princess Weirdo- Nobody knows they just mysteriously appeared. Don't go over there! Let me observe her mood.

229'er 1- I'm so very scared right now!

Princess Weirdo- No stay away!! It's not safe for you to approach TM! Imma go visit her though.

by Princess Weirdo January 16, 2022