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In the year 2027, machines have taken over the earth. The Transforminators were manufactured to compete with both the Terminators and the Transformers. Their first appearance was in "Terminator Salvation" as giant-robot Terminators, and motorcycles. Later they would emerge as a childrens television show in the year 2010. A robotics engineer who is very fond of sci-fi, had a realization while eating jello, and remembered the cartoon. Chiao Mojibwa set out to engineer the very first 'Transforminator' and succeeded in the year 2012. This 'transforminator' then went berzerk in late November of '12, and started a holocaust against mankind. The rest as they say, is history, unless of course, you are John Titor.

The Transforminators are fun shape-changing killing machines, part transformer, part terminator, all hell!

by Rhea Maxmood February 6, 2009

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