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An anxiety disorder which causes a person to pull out their hair strand by strand, often causing noticeable hair loss as a result. For a very common disorder, it is relitivley unknown and seldom talked about. It is not certain what causes it, and there is no known cure. Trich is thought to be related to other things such as obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and obsessive skin-picking.

Some of the most common places people pull are the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. However, Trichsters can pull from anywhere with hair.

I began suffering from Trichotillomania when I was nine. It an affect any age group. Some babies and younger children outgrow it by adulthood.

by Trichster November 12, 2010

81👍 3👎



This word is pronounced as "try-cho-till-o-mania". It is an unusually long word and according to Merriam Webster Dictionary:

The definition of Trichotillomania is - an abnormal desire to pull out one's hair

Trichotillomania comes from combining roots from New Latin (trich, meaning “hair,” and mania) and Greek (tillein, meaning “to pull, pluck”). The word appears to have come about at the suggestion of a French doctor at the end of the 19th century.

Trichotillomania.—This name is proposed by M. Hallopeau for a condition described by him at the seance of the French Society of Dermatology and Syphilography … It is a morbid condition, consisting of exacerbations of pruriginous sensations in the hairy parts of the body, accompanied by a vesania, that leads the subjects to try to get relief by pulling out the hairs, hence the name given above.
— American Journal of Insanity (Baltimore, MD), Jul. 1894

By 1896 the word was already found defined in medical dictionaries, such as George M. Gould’s The Student’s Medical Dictionary (“an uncontrollable impulse to pull out one’s hair”).
Person: "I have Trichotillomania! Please don't mind me trying to pull out my hair! It's actually pretty satisfying!

Person: "Plz don't mind me pulling my hair, I have trichotillomania

by Just me and my opinion_12345 June 18, 2021


A hair-pulling disorder used when feeling anxious or bored, this can also be classified as a form of OCD and an anxiety disorder. The most common areas pulled are the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubes. This disorder can usually be self-diagnosed and if the pulling gets out of control or it affects your day-to-day life, you should seek help like therapy or a certified doctor.

Me: I have trichotillomania
Friend: What’s that?
Me: It’s a sort of anxiety disorder where I pull my hair
Friend: Oh damn

by Jay.R July 20, 2020


A mental disorder that gives one the extreme urge to pluck out their hair. It can be dangerous, because it can cause infections. It can be cured by therapy.

Someone: I pull my hair a lot does that mean I have trichotillomania?

Another person: Yes

by Fallen Soldier June 25, 2017

6👍 7👎


A disorder simular to obsessive compulsive order and helf harm, which consists of a person pulling out their own hair. For a very common disorder, it is relitivley unknown and little talked about.

It is not certain what causes it, but it is thought that it is caused by mental trauma, there is no known cure.

Trich is also thought to be related to other things such as obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and obsessive skin-picking.

Most trich sufferers feel ashamed and suffer from low self-esteme, finding it hard to let people in and talk to others, but if you think you suffer from trich, consult your doctor and take a look on google, there are thousands other out there! :)

I think my trich was caused by my mum dying when i was a kid. I have been pulling for 9 years and i also suffer from depression and obsessive skin-picking.

by Amelia April 18, 2005

167👍 35👎


An anxiety disorder which causes a person to pull out their hair strand by strand, often causing noticeable hair loss as a result. People suffering from trichotillomania may refer to the disorder as 'trich' and may call themselves 'trichsters'.

There are two types of trichotillomania. Type A is most common which involves pulling from the scalp. Type B involves the pulling of eyelashes and eyebrows.

You pull out your hair/eyebrows/eyelashes to the point of baldness? It sounds like trichotillomania to me.

by PullFreeVibes July 15, 2004

309👍 79👎

Situational Trichotillomania

A temporary feeling in which you want to pull your hair out because of events or morons.

When I deal with her, I have situational trichotillomania because she doesn't listen.

by CoffeeSommelier April 29, 2010

1👍 6👎