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A man cursed with sacrificing his life to a game with little meaning. He has corrupted himself, lost all his friends and now owns an extremely cancerous discord server which contains the lowest of lowlife.

Normal Person: Hey man you up to play some Minecraft today?

His Friend: Ya sure man let's go.

TrippyPepper: HeY gUyS ToDaY wE aRe DoInG cUrSeD hAcKeR vS hAcKeR...

His discord server: Hey uwu *nuzzles* I wanna eat your cum and asshole

Also his discord server: hei guayes howe doug ie enstell de modes

by Voron October 24, 2019

18👍 5👎


he gay lol

trippypepper DESTROYS complete BTD NOOB using FACTS and LOGIC

by subscribe to ebik productions April 11, 2019

6👍 12👎