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pun on Pompadour -- the hairstyle Donald J. Trump uses, an upsweept non-part style that he should've left back in the'50s.

Wow, I have a bad haircut, bed head, & hat head all at once.

Yeah, bruh, you're totally rocking that Trumpadour style!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada November 17, 2016

463👍 6👎


1) Donald Trump's hairstyle. 2) Any awkward looking hair style or hairline that defies logic and or good taste.

Bill: Damn! You get a new "do"?

Tom: Yep. You think chicks will dig it?

Bill: Not with that Trumpadour you got going there.

by Tenacious Faulker March 17, 2011

371👍 64👎


The hairstyle Donald Trump rocks

(Comes from the word "pompadour")

What's wrong with your hair?

You mean my trumpadour? Nothing.

by JeffreyRossDeservesCreditHere March 18, 2011

131👍 382👎