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A cool, funny, sarcastic girl who likes to take a lot of pictures of herself. Often has weird nicknames with hilarious meanings behind them. She always has a witty and sarcastic comeback for anything said and is often the cause of many nights spent up till 4am laughing your ass off over the craziest of things.

Has the best taste in music and will often introduce others to songs they've never heard of. Once heard,these songs become so addictive they're heard over and over and spread around a circle of friends like wildfire.

Can be a bit of an airhead at times and often confuses similar words such as fan/tan leading to many hilarious hours of laughing.

Like any other person, has problems, but will push these problems aside in a heartbeat to help a friend in need. Very kind, caring and sympathetic.

"I took at least 130 pics of myself today!"

"That's so Tyesha !"

by RavynK September 3, 2008

512👍 85👎


Tyesha is a good person with a good heart , she is very shy but when you get to know her she is fun , she have things about her past her don't want to talk about , she been hurt alot , she is very loyal and she is so sexy , she take alot of pictures a day and make alot of videos , she don't like drama and if she get in drama she will try to get away from it , she will cuss you out and put you in your place if you say something bad about her , she don't play when it comes to her family or friends , she is very sweet and love everyone

Boy: Tyesha you seem like a nice person to be around I can't see how they drag on you

Her : I know right

by Tytytyy3x July 29, 2019

45👍 4👎