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University of California, Redemption. In an era where public education in the State of California is taking hits in K-12, CCs, the CSUs, and the UC system, many of the State's public universities have been forced to cut their enrollments through more intense admissions standards. Hence, these schools accept less freshman and transfer students. However, with schools like UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz and even UC Merced (where previous reputation has been less than stellar among college admissions-hype beasts and GPA/SAT/ACT-obsessed high school seniors too caught up with the TOP 50 of the USNWR), the rise in demand, popularity, as well as increased competition of quality applicants, has helped ALL the UCs get on the fast-track towards increased prestige and improved rep with more selective applicant pools, and, in the long-term, more prepared and exceptionally qualified freshman and transfer students. UCR is definitely on this track and is truly rising. Therefore, UCR should be considered less as "UC Rejects" and more, the University of California, REDEMPTION.

Fuck yeah, it ain't nothing to be ashamed of getting into and going to UC Riverside! Consider yourself REDEEMED! UCR = UC REDEMPTION. Go out there and get your education! Fuck the haters, UCR is a UC school for a reason!

by FrmHighlandto43rd April 8, 2011

423๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


University of California, Riverside. Called "UC-Rejected" by students who think that the other UC's are superior.

Man, I can't believe I didn't even get into UCR.

by shizfo July 19, 2006

187๐Ÿ‘ 327๐Ÿ‘Ž


The University of California, Riverside (UCR) is one of the least prestigious schools within the prestigious UC system. As one of only two UCs with a business school it should in theory attract a large number of serious business students. In reality, the business degree acts as a catch-all for students who would otherwise be "undeclared" and/or those students who have no interest in business aside from "making my millionz".

Riverside itself is seedy and dangerous. I know only a very small handful of people who were not robbed at least once while living there...I was not one of those fortunate few. Crack whores (in the strictly literal sense) "work" up and down University Ave. less than half a mile from the campus. My own work as a pizza delivery driver exposed me and my co-workers to the ever present danger of armed robbery, gun-violence and gang-activity. That said, with the right perspective, this place offers a valuable opportunity for much of its student body to experience the "real world" in graduated steps, should they choose to do so. I can say from my own experience that it has had an incredible "humanizing" affect on my perception of the homeless and others living in horrible situations.

While the student body is largely apathetic (there is no school spirit as has been mentioned above but no one has bothered to ask whether or not school spirit is an admirable goal or merely a herd-mentality annoyance) there are plenty of very serious students and instructors. Several people have claimed that many instructors cannot speak English. A colleague of mine who is a Sociology lecturer of Chinese descent at UCR often finds that "cannot speak English" is on his student feedback forms despite the fact that he was born in New York, has spent his entire life in the US and speaks flawless English with no accent. I would also contest the notion that students graduating from UCR are bound to mediocrity. I am a graduate from UCR (if I have not already made that plainly obvious) who is currently pursuing his PhD at King's College, London on a full-ride scholarship.

My reason for writing this very loose "definition" is to, hopefully, spread a much more balanced assessment of UCR both as an institution of higher learning as well as a social environment for students. It may not be a great school for parties, but that was never my scene so I couldn't really comment much on that. There are some students who immerse themselves in the community and who generally find whatever it is that they're looking for. There is another class of students who race home every weekend and who treat their time at UCR as an extension of high school. Like anything else, a student can expect to get out of their time at UCR exactly what they put in. I know I got a whole helluva lot, and Iโ€™m sure many others have as well.

UCR, while not the most prestigious of UCs, is considered fairly prestigious overseas as it is only known as "part of the UC system"

by J. Krause July 30, 2008

127๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž


UCR - Also known as University of Rejects or University of Riverside.

A UC that everyone goes to because they didn't make it into any other UCs. Usually a backup school for people who want flaunt that they are in a UC. UCR has the lowest expectations out of all the University. Pretty pathetic how it can even be called a UC.

Guy: You're going to a CSU? Hah I'm going to a UCR sucker!
Girl: You mean University of Rejects?

by snipy August 19, 2010

69๐Ÿ‘ 251๐Ÿ‘Ž


Otherwise known as the University of California, Riverside; or the "last resort" UC. Many who go there are said to have had no other school options-- which is not quite true for ALL students per se, but close to factual for a large chunk of the attending.
Dorms are inhabited by mostly freshmen as second+ years run away from campus to apartments. Many go home for the weekend because the student body are "goddamn" "penises" and don't make better the situation they're in.

A UCR party will consist of:
1. Alcohol
2. Alcohol
3. Standing
4. A little music
5. People throwing up
The concept of "Drinking Game" seems to allude these students.

Notes about the campus:
During winter, the campus is actually fairly green *gasp*

Georgetown U Student: Hello
Georgetown U Student: Excuse me?

Other UCR Student: I talk to walls because I don't want to deal with shit like 1 and 2.

by Basmati the Unindian April 25, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 291๐Ÿ‘Ž


A school located in Riverside, California. Apart of the UC system and has amazing professors, facilities, and programs. Catches a bad rep for having low admissions standards in the past. Known for it's commitment to underserved, disadvantaged communities and having a diverse student population. A school improving in reputation in all facets of education. Shit on by insecure people.

The Washington Monthly ranked UCR 16th in the United States in terms of social mobility, research and community service, while US News and World Report ranked UCR's undergraduate program 94th in the nation (out of 368 colleges) based on peer assessment, student selectivity, financial resources, and other factors. U.S. News ranks UCR as the third most ethnically diverse and, by the number of undergraduates receiving Pell Grants (42 percent), the 15th most economically diverse student body in the nation. UCR's extensive outreach and retention programs have contributed to its reputation as a "campus of choice" for minority students, including LGBT students. In 2005, UCR became the first public university campus in the nation to offer a gender-neutral housing option.

by Ryan Kime February 24, 2011

133๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


a pretty nice place, friendly people, nice atmosphere. good academics

east lothian, diverse student body, bourne engineering building

by the man August 27, 2004

744๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž