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UCT Student

Someone who applied to Stellenbosch University but got rejected.

Goes to university for 5 years and gets a job at McDonald's.

Liam, the UCT student next door, owes me money

by Frikkie420 September 27, 2018

2👍 2👎


upper class twit - a rich, privileged person who thinks the world belongs to them and have no compunction about trampling the 'little people',

The river's full of UCTs with their annual rowing privilege regatta.

by purple_prose February 25, 2025


Ucte- pronounciation youuktea definiton-NOUN to make a loud squeeling noise (see SQUEE!) similar to a girl named Murph when she hears news of Gerard Butler. Also a yippeee! type sound when Julianne gets too excited...

used in a sentence-'look Murphy it's GB!' 'UCTEEEEEEEEE' *end dialouge*

by Smurph22222 April 28, 2007