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Ullu means an owl, but it is also used for a stupid person.

Oh ,Really? Do you think me to be so much ullu as to believe in him?

by Bhoor Singh Soni and Mohit Soni, Balotra . September 20, 2017

18👍 1👎


see ulu

means "Owl" ... used an as insult in south asia. especially with puttha

Ullu ka puttha -- son of an owl

by abarjiga March 7, 2007

51👍 22👎

Ullu ka patha

ullu ka patha/ patta/ phatta meaning Son of an owl literally but used to call someone a fool

He is an ullu ka patha.
That ullu ka patha is my brother.

by Urban Indian September 18, 2013

157👍 56👎

Ullu ka patha

Also interpreted as 'a friend of' . Ullo means owl literally and anyone so addressed is implied to be foolish. Thus a friend of one is also implied to be as foolish if not more :)
Essentially a Hindi/Urdu phrase common in northern India:

tum hara kya kehna , tum to ullu ka patha ho!

by pyaasi churail March 6, 2016

43👍 31👎


Math brainy, anger issues, gayyyyy

Ullus is a math brainy but gay

by ansangyta May 12, 2022