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Fucked up; Messed up; Not precise; Messy

"Yo your hair is unkempt as fuck"
"Fuck up, I haven't brushed it, I just woke up"

by satansson666 June 27, 2014

29👍 3👎


Messy, untidy etc..

Honey, if we're going out somewhere nice and romantic then to have sex afterwards, I'd appreciate it if you could shave or at least give it a bit of a trim as it's getting a tad unkempt down there..

by Halfords lower March 9, 2018

14👍 1👎

Unkempt Harold

The best pistol in borderlands 2 is also good in borderlands 3 for moze

Unkempt harold 🤑🤙

Btw what the fuck is this gif bruh

by XintexGames August 8, 2021

3👍 1👎