A statement used by a student when talking to a teacher to refer to ones penis. The teacher would not understand and reply, "What Twist". This implies the teacher doesn't, and will not "Untwist a twist".
Mr U,: What Twist?
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Refers to a fairly-short trek dat you take along da gravel shoulder of da highway by your house while dragging a long and somewhat-twisted/kinked length of rope, wire, tubing, etc behind you; da purpose is to gently/evenly extend said cord back out and allow da"free" or "trailing" end to rotate freely and thus unwind/remove/relax any coils and other unwanted tensioning. After you have walked an appropriate distance to adequately even everything out, you then begin carefully coiling your cord over your arm while continuing to galumph along, so dat da other end of da cord will still be free to rotate, and thus your winding-motion will not create additional twisting of da cord as you reel it in.
I occasionally get an odd look or two from passing motorists while performing a roadside untwisting-stroll after using a garden-hose or extension-cord, but I have yet to have anyone actually ask me about it... I guess most folks understand dat "you gotta do what you gotta do" in a case like this, and dey figger dat "if it gets da job done, more power to ya".