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This is a reference to the placement of libertarian views under the two-axis (Nolan) political spectrum, representing “economic freedoms” and “personal freedoms”. Political preferences are determined by how much government control a person or political party favours in these two areas.

Those at the top of the spectrum (Up-wing) are those that favour libertarianism (more economic and personal freedoms).

Those on the right of the spectrum favour conservatism (more economic freedom but more government intervention in personal matters).

Those on the left of the spectrum typically favour american liberalism (more personal freedoms but more government activism in economics matters).

Those at the bottom of the spectrum typically favour authoritarianism / statism (a lot of government control in both personal and economic areas).

I am not right-wing, I am Up-wing! (i.e. I am libertarian)

by Hanrahan March 31, 2019

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