1. (noun) Yet another slang word for booty. Only booties of immense size deserve this title. The root word of valumper is LUMP, which is referring to the lumps of the individual booty cheeks.
2. Can also be used in verb form, "to valump"
Person 1: Whoa that guy has an ass to win millions
Person 2: Yup, It's quite the valumper
when fat women wear their pants very high you cannot tell where their fat stops and their vagina starts. this large mound of fat in between is referred to as a valump.
"look at her valump, lets make bets on how many kids she had"
A dance move that is similar to twerking in that it involves jiggling the booty. There is one key difference: it involves two people.
Person 1: Hey wanna valump with me??
Person 2: Of course!! Valumping is my favorite past time!