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Vladimir Lenin

The man whose revolution created the Soviet Union and ultimately lead to the death of millions worldwide. Ironically, he now serves capitalism as the subject of t-shirts for the politically and historically uninformed.

"Dude, look at my new t-shirt; it has Vladimir Lenin on it! Now people will think I'm an idealistic rebel!"

by PHATErik October 23, 2007

657👍 262👎

vladimir lenin

Started the communist government in Russia, he took over the Russian government in October 1918. He overtook the provisional government which was set up in result of the 1917 Russian revolution. Joseph Stalin was his right hand man, and eventually took over for him after his death in the 1922.

Vladimir Lenin was a communist leader.

by Hank Hill 07 March 19, 2008

159👍 63👎

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (April 22nd, 1870–January 21st, 1924) in Simbirsk, Russia, was a Russian Revolutionary, a communist politician, and the first head of the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic- the Soviet Union. He was the creator of Leninism, an extension of Marxist theory –the original form of communism created by Karl Marx, though Leninism, in which many variations have been produced, is anything, but Marxism. Marxism is a conceptualized system of human social organization based on the gradual eradication of economic class and religion through the ages. Because everyone would belong to the same class, it is believed that economic resources and power would as well be equally dispersed throughout society. While in Leninism, linking to imperialism, globalization allows the act of going from place to place, shoving your evil capitalist beliefs down every ones throats, and then raiding the countries natural resources. And in the Soviet, class and religion remained uncured.
After the arresting of his eldest brother for an attempted bombing, threatening the life of the Tsarist leader, Nicholas III, the banishment of his sister, and the death of his father, Lenin was saddened with grief. He then enrolled in Kazan State University and became familiar with Karl Marx, joining Marxist’s groups leading to various protests. Subsequently, he got arrested and finally expelled from the University. During this time of exile he learned various languages and continued his studies.
Later he rejoined in St. Petersburg University and studied law, but instead taking a career in law he enlisted in another Marxist group and yet again, in 1895, was arrested for 14 months, and then exiled to Siberia where he published many books about his way of government. During the exile he mingled with Georgy Plekhanov who had brought socialism to Russia. At the exile’s end in 1900 he moved to Zurich and lectured at the state’s university, naming himself Nikolai Lenin, and once again rejoining in a socialist party.
Later on, he led the Bolshevik-majority-party after a separation from the minority party. As WW1 began he exiled himself, but continued to attend socialist meetings. Tsar Nicholas II was abdicated and in the city of Petrograd a Provisional Government took throne, forcing Lenin’s self exile to conclude and to lead his party to successfully overthrow the government, in which case the Russian Congress of Soviets elected Lenin as the Head of the Soviet. Lenin wanted a utopia and the end of war, he wanted to recover the economy and health care, to teach illiterates, and he wanted rights for women. Most importantly, Lenin wanted Leninism. In one speech he said “Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the entire country. We must show the peasants that the organization of industry on the basis of modern, advanced technology, on electrification which will provide a link between town and country, will put an end to the division between town and country, will make it possible to raise the level of culture in the countryside and to overcome, even in the most remote corners of land, backwardness, ignorance, poverty, disease, and barbarism.”

He signed a treaty known as Treaty of Brest-Litovsh taking Russia not only out of the war, but also severely losing the Soviet’s territory. The Bolshevik’s made a brief alliance with other socialist revolutionaries and at the end many were persecuted. Lenin then campaigned for an individual to be put in charge of each enterprise and, taking control of the press, he created a secret police known as the Cheka.
After a speech in early 1918, Lenin was riding his car back home with his friend Fritz Platten when unknown gunmen had fired shots. This time though, Lenin was saved by Fritz who had taken the shots for him. The next assassination attempt came the same year when after a socialist meeting. Socialist, Fanya Kaplan, fired three shots one targeting a bystander, one hitting his arm, and the other had lodged in his throat. As a result, the Cheka announced a civil war, known as The Red Terror, in which thousands, even millions were killed, against the party responsible-the minority-whom tried to overthrow the government. The main forces were the Red Army-Communists-and the White Army-Traditionalists. Suspected enemies could expect brutal torture, flogging, maiming or execution. Some were shot, others drowned, buried alive, or hacked to death by swords. Quite often those about to be executed were forced to dig their own graves. Some historians estimate that between 1917 and 1922 up to 280,000 people were killed by the Chekas. During the war, battles were carried out by both Reds and Whites. In May 1919 there were 16,000 people in labor camps based on the old Tsarist labor camps, and in 1921 there were more than 70,000. Many countries, on the side of the traditionalists, intervened on this war, including the U.S. In response to rebellion on Moscow Lenin’s Hanging order documents that Lenin himself ordered terror. A translation of the text follows:

Hang (and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known rebels.
Publish their names.
Seize all their grain from them.
Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of kilometers around the people might see, tremble, know, and shout: they are strangling and will strangle to death.

During the war, in 1919, the Bolsheviks met with other revolutionary socialists, to become the Communist International, then breaking off into the Communist Party Soviet Union: CPSU. The leaders were Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, who shattered Lenin’s hope for the future, and killed, or threw any person in jail who disagreed, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Mikhail Gorbachev, the pussy who gave in to the capitalists, resulting in the fall of the Union, and Konstantin Chernenko. The Bolsheviks then expanded the union’s territory so as to discontinue imperialism.
In 1919, the civil war still continuing, Poland rebelled against the Bolsheviks, starting the Polish/Soviet War. A year following, the communists won the civil war, though minor battles continued.

The year after that, food became more difficult to find for the Bolsheviks, so they raided the minorities, thus creating the second civil war. The same year the Union suffered from a drought and famine, and Lenin, following his dream of creating a utopia, enforced a New Economic Policy, to retreat from the peasant uprisings, and to rebuild industries and agriculture.
One thing that Lenin deeply opposed, due to his utopian ways, and his mixed ethnicity, was anti-Semitism-prejudice against the Jews-as he states in one of his speeches: “The Tsarist police, in alliance with the landowners and the capitalists, organized pogroms against the Jews. The landowners and capitalists tried to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants who were tortured by want against the Jews. … Only the most ignorant and downtrodden people can believe the lies and slander that are spread about the Jews. … It is not the Jews who are the enemies of the working people. The enemies of the workers are the capitalists of all countries. Among the Jews there are working people, and they form the majority. They are our brothers, who, like us, are oppressed by capital; they are our comrades in the struggle for socialism. Among the Jews there are kulaks, exploiters and capitalists, just as there are among the Russians, and among people of all nations… Rich Jews, like rich Russians, and the rich in all countries, are in alliance to oppress, crush, rob and disunite the workers… Shame on accursed Tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews. Shame on those who foment hatred towards the Jews, who foment hatred towards other nations.” Still he was unaware of its lasting presence, and unable to eradicate it.
In 1922, Lenin suffered from two strokes to the right, and resigned from politics. And in the next year, a third stroke came, and he was muted and bedridden. Dictating his ‘Last Testament’ to his wife, and in it, pleading that in any time in the future not to let specific top-ranking communists, especially Joseph Stalin, to take his post. This testament was not officially shown to the public, and did not take any effect.
In 1924, Lenin died from either a stroke, or syphilis. His body was embalmed-involving his frontal lobes being enlarged, and his brain being cut into paper thin slices-and was displayed in a mausoleum. From 1924-1991 the city of Petrograd converted its name to Leningrad, and his birth place of Simbirsk converted its name to Ulyanovsk.
Lenin did a great good for Northern Europe and Asia, though all that was reverted by the hated, unworthy, and lying Stalin, who immediately turned the young nation into a totalitarian dictatorship. Lenin’s written work was censored, and after his death his popularity accelerated to a point of religious reverence, though he was quite forgotten at the fall of the state. Due to this and against his pre-death will, many memorials have been put up for him. And until today his statue still stands tall in his hometown of Ulyanovsk, Russia

1. Oh remember that guy with the funny look and the fake Russian accent, Vladimir Lenin, who created the Soviet

by princeofdarkness March 24, 2008

141👍 70👎