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We all hate Leeds scum.

Commonly used when referring to Leeds fans.

Look at those Leeds fans over there, causing mayhem... WAHLS!

by WAHLS May 3, 2019

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only academic society in the world known to have combined the power of both the Unicorn and the Stag.

Orr-ite: "Man, I sure do wish I was in Wahl"
Major-ite: "Yeah, they really know how to Wahl it up"

by Wahl-ite August 20, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a terrible socom player who resorts to cb

omg wahl sux

by Acid aka fat kidee August 31, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


a girl who never has her own opinion. a complete moronic idiot with no life or personality

a wahl: i hate her
someone else: i like her
a wahl: i like her too!

by babyeater October 3, 2004

4๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ball Wahl

A Ball Wahl is a term used to describe what a male actually uses a Wahl beard trimmer for - to shave his balls. Contrary to the belief that the Wahl beard trimmer is used on the face, it is almost always used to shave hair in the public area.

Joe: Hey guys, I got a new Wahl trimmer in the mail! Can't wait to shave my face!
Sean: That's a Ball Wahl for your nuts you don't even have facial hair.
Joe: This is true.

by Great Seany June 3, 2017


Derived from the word "mutual." The word mooch-wahl refers to a person in a group of friends that does not fit in. Therefor a mutual agreement between the real friends occurs that the one said person does not fit in. They also are awkward and do not realize they are not like the group. That person would be referred to as a mooch-wahl. Friends always talk about others behind their backs in a group. If you are not observing this behavior you're probably the mooch-wahl.

Pronounced: Mooch "wall"
Enunciation: said like: bitch please

Person A: blah blah blah
Person B: blah blah blah
Person C: awkward statement (then leaves the room)
Person A: What a fuckin' mooch-wahl.

by Phappy September 20, 2009

Corinne Wahl

A Goddess. One who exudes strength, courage, beauty, wisdom, and can maintain the absolute "party girl" attitude.

"That girl thinks she's cool, but she's no Corinne Wahl!"

by Anonymous August 18, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž