Otherwise known as the acronym to "White People Food".
It's common for the internet to make fun of Caucasian people for having traditionally bland food. This knowledge is either acquired from word of mouth or personal experience.
Victims of WPF suffer from a chronic sensitivity to spices and sugar. Most are susceptible to denial. Treatment for WPF reintegration is a minority friend willing to support them through the harrowing journey of beginning to eat real food. Some cases may never be cured, however.
If you have a friend suffering from eating too much WPF, call the WPF hotline to assist them immediately and help them regain a life of vibrance and cultural connection
Example 1
Rick:" Morty...Get me to a hospital Morty"
Morty: "Wh- Rick why what's wrong?!"
Rick:"I just got a taste of WPF"
Example 2
Emily: "Hey! Why don't you stay for dinner, my mom's cooking right now!"
Omar: "Pass. I'm tryna cut back on my WPF (White People Food)"
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