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Some cheap ass weed.

Hey man don't be smoking that wacky-tacky!

by Xanman1 April 15, 2017

8👍 4👎

wacky tacky nutsack

strapping your girlfriend to a wall with a contraption of some sort. Then you fist her asshole while getting a blowjob.

wacky tacky nutsack none to hard explain.

by thepersonyouknow October 25, 2009

5👍 15👎

tacky wacky

short for tactical wank. you tell your friends/coworkers you are going to have dinner or the toilet when in reality you go for a wank.

person1: hey guys just going to get food be back in a few minutes
person2: don't be going and doing a tacky wacky we got work to do

by freshwatershit March 31, 2023