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the most winning name on earth , used to describe a person that is amazing and Chuck Norris like.

josh Weatherford wins at life

by hoshua winns November 1, 2011

22👍 25👎


In Tupelo, MS a commonly a synnonym for extremely homosxual or Jewish. It's is the opposite of Chuck Norris.

Man, he is so weatherford that if he was any more weatherford, he'd be weatherfordx2.

by "spokeswoman"haha May 12, 2006

28👍 44👎

Weatherford Highschool

Smells like crack on the daily, fights whippin in every bathroom you pull up to. Admistrators don't know what the fuck they doin.

Damn Weatherford Highschool sucks was

by OOFgang3kduh October 3, 2018

14👍 1👎

Weatherford Texas

A place where you go to live. And end up never leaving. Full of truck sluts, diesel douches, mommy and daddys wallets and a bunch of meth addicts.

The birth place of the clap apocalypse 2015. The only place you can get black smoked, beat up by a 28 year old twice your size at a highschool party then get your dicked sucked by a random girl.

Weatherford Texas? ohh, you mean piece of shit?

by Daddycummy69 August 26, 2016

47👍 8👎

Weatherford Community College

(n.)-a synonym for the most strenuous, boring circle of hell. This circle distinguishes itself from the other circles of hell by having more rednecks, more cowboys, more old people, more middle aged smokers with rolling backpacks, less sexy people, less intelligence and ultimately, less FUN.

WC Student #1 - Jesus will save me from the flames of hell's eternal fury.

WC Student #2 - Nah, bro. We go to Weatherford Community College.

by Highly Refined Pirate February 22, 2010

37👍 8👎