Webcommunist is a term used to refer to socialists and communists who, in fact, are neoliberals in disguise who live criticizing left and left governments and/or socialist experiences, many times defending the status-quo, neoliberal policies, left anticommunism , anti-tankieism (anti-tank sentiment), and criticizing the BRICS countries and criticizing the PRC and the USSR and passing cloth to the USA and to the countries of NATO and the European Union. Also relativizing and minimizing all the arguments of the anti-communists and the right against the socialists and communists while absolutizing and maximizing all the arguments of the socialists, communists and the left against the anti-communists and against the right.
Webcommunism is the infantile disorder of the left, socialism and communism of the 21st century and the digital millennium. Together with websocialism and webleftism. Webcommunists are such kinds of socialists/communists who are like "I am a socialist/communist yet I don't support AES countries".