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A "weemo" is when someone approaches the victim from behind and jams their fingers into the sides of the victim's ribcage resulting in a spasm-like reaction, often accompanied by a little yelp. A weemo can occur anytime, anywhere - this is part of the reason why they are so destructive. Weemos can be used against the perpretator's rivals in order to embarass them, emotionally scar them and cause serious trust issues.

1. I'm going to weemo the shit out of him until he never trusts a human being ever again
2. The last time I got a weemo I couldn't sleep for 2 days

by youngiejay July 28, 2021


A weemo is a weeabo and emo mixed into one, they are called this because they are so rediculous that they don't fit into anyother catagory so they made their own. Weemos can be anyone and are usually the people you car about most, If you see a weemo stay calm they will not strike as their natural reaction is to avoid danger, if you wish to befriend a weemo buy it anime or manga that is their favorite past time.

See that guy over there he's such a weemo.

by BrandedSonic February 28, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wannabe emo.

You may seem them on MySpace..or mostly likely..Bebo, with the display picture of a..say, wrist covered with blood, or one of those dreaded "scene" photos, with a random scene kid wearing heaps of makeup, and the photo has been photoshoped to make a certain colour stand out.
They very rarely have photos of themselves.

They are usually mainstream, and listen to My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, AFI and 30 Seconds To Mars. Of course, it would not be any of those bands older stuff (like Fall Out Boy's Evening Out With Your Girlfriend or AFI's Very Proud Of Ya).

Weemos write really terrible poetry that doesn't make any sense.
Weemos go around commenting actual emos.
Weemos are un selfaware
Weemos piss me off.

Weemo: "omg scene kid you're so hawt lolz"
Scene Kid: "Uh..."
Weemo: "LOLZ!!!1!1!"

by [Um:] March 24, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The lowest rank of Emo.

Hark, hear the Weemo cry! Oh! Most lowly of the Emo tribe!

by sp'archin' April 9, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A weemo is basically a weenie emo. Weemos tend to range from 10-14 years of age are generally very short. They try and act sophisticatated and up to date with the local music scene but just get in your fucking way. Theyre the people screaming help as they run fleeing from the pit or there in there being a nuisance and end up getting injured.

Weemo One: OMG i love green day SO much. "Billie Joe's SO hot. American Ideot is like my favourite album.

Knowledgeable Person: Yeah but what about Dookie or Nimrod ??

Weemo One: Wooah they've made more than One Album OMG.

by i fucking hate green-day May 17, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


well a weemo is bassically a wanabee weemo
there is a lot of them around where i come from anyway. .
they all think theyre listening to the newest music when its like greenday or something
n then they get fringes which are so daring (sense the sacarsm)
they basically get the littlest side fringes in the world, to be honest with you, you cant even tell if half of them have a side fringe
then they all have myspace n say their music has meaning n they pose stupidly on pictures and wear stupid eyeliner
but this is all cos theyre so fucking hardcore they cant fucking survive without eyeliner and THEIR music
then they all copy of the older people on there
the ones that have a better idea of what theyre doing
so thats basically a weemo for you

weemo 1 'ive just found out about this new band- HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS!!!'
weemo 2- 'OMG really?!? anyway tomorow i might go get a new side fringe and die my hair black!'
weemo 1- ' really? '
weemo 2- 'i might do, i hate people who follow crowds'
weemo 1- 'totally, so anyway i got this new top! its got skul and crossbones on it! its so individual- like me!'
weemo 2- ' we've got to take pictures and post them on mypace!'
weemo 1- ' that is such a good idea! make sure we have enough eyeliner on first!'
weemo 2- ' being emo is so awesome!'
weemo 1- ' wait a minute! whats this word? scenester?'
weemo 2- ' we so have to change our style!'


by weemos are gay October 30, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


a weemo is somebody who tries to be emo to fit in with other emos but they try and make everyone know that they are emo
by sayin stuff like oooh look at me i slit my wrists etc

*emo: omg here comes another weemo
Weemo1: omg have you seen the latest cuts she's got?
weemo2: yeah look i cut i love drew into myarm cus im like so emo
Emo: i think you mean weemo

by emojd May 26, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž