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ginger wheelspin

a dirty skid in underpants, front wheel skid

i farted before an wen i looked i had a massive ginger wheelspin in my undies

by brett holt February 18, 2009

27πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ginger Wheelspin

When you don’t wipe your arse and leave a huge ginger/brown stripe inside your white boxers or bedsheets.

Haha, did you see Phil last night? He went home pissed and ended up leaving a Ginger Wheelspin on his Bedsheets.

by PurpleAki-thelength February 16, 2020


(noun) (automotive)

When the mph/kph of the wheels exceeds the mph/kph of the car, leading to a loss of traction and handling. This is exactly what the traction control system (TCS) in modern cars aims to prevent.

I gave the car too much gas with snow on the road, and got plenty of wheelspin.

A burnout is wheelspin done with style.

by vindaloon March 31, 2021