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shorthand for whenever used commonly by the same people that say whatev

Dude: When do y'all want to go eat?
Reply: Whenev...

by Rusty February 2, 2005

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corrupted use of the word "when," often used by those less educated or those surrounded by less educated people; this is not the definition of the actual, correct, use of whenever as in "Whenever I go to Bills house, I smell something weird"

I saw a snake at 3pm, whenever I went to my friends house yesterday.

You knocked on the door whenever the movie started.

by zingerhoff August 16, 2009

71๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sometime between now and infinity

Person 1: "Come over whenever"
Person 2: "When is whenever"
Person 1: "Some time between now and infinity. Or when you feel like it. Which should be some time between now and infinity."

by DomDelirious July 10, 2012

30๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


When NerF says whenever he means: December 24, 2004

Artesh: you said whenever

by Napo December 24, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

whenever's cheddar

at whatever such time is deemed suitable for all parties involved.

"Hey, Marky, when are we hitting up the bars?"
"Whenever's cheddar, my dude."

by Jack324 December 27, 2008

duke nukem whenever

A nickname for videogame duke nukem forever, based on the fact that 3d realms are waiting for a real nukewar before launching it.

For over nine years, they've been making this game. Expected in 1997, then a few years later, now the end of the year.

by Gumba Gumba June 2, 2004

65๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Whenever Colin arrives

When you know something will never happen.

Hey John will you help me do the dishes? yeah whenever Colin arrives!

by Boborob June 29, 2018

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