Similar to whatever it is used to exclaim indifference towards the origin of an information, but without also dismissing the person transfering this information to you. When you don't understand the reason why something is like it is and has to be done that way, but you can't give a shit to find out.
Mother: George, please clean your room, because we are going to have guests.
Jane: *nods disapprovingly*
Mother: The reason you have to clean your room, is because, when people see that you are unorderly they will think that *yada yada yada*
Jane: Whyever mom...
Hacker John: I can't get out of this vim console git automatically opens when I commit without a message, what is this shit?
Hacker Bron: Have you tried cmd+q?
Hacker John: Yes, m8. Wtf. Doesn't work.
Hacker Bron: Well...
Hacker John: Just did it with "cmd+c" and then ":wq"+Enter. Whyever man, whyever.
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