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The most beautiful girl in the world!

I love you Winsome

by MistA April 22, 2003

77👍 35👎


Something that is both awesome and full of win.

Tim says: The Joker is just win and awesome.
Elly says: Winsome indeed.

by Timalimabamalin October 26, 2010

23👍 14👎


A winsome is when you are having sex with two or more other people and you are the ugliest person in the group. Therefore, the people you get to have sex with are the hottest ones in the group.

Person #1: I had a great winsome last night with Deb and Vi!
Person #2: But they're way out of your league.
Person #1: Doesn't matter, I still won!

by kenzdeli March 24, 2022

3👍 3👎


Like awesome, but less awe and more win.

That was winsome!

Winsome tie, dude!

by 8KZ5SC June 15, 2008

37👍 24👎


attractive in appearance or character. The perfect word to describe madeline.

That girl is winsome.

by cadillaccowboy June 17, 2011

14👍 12👎


Someone who called Osmond will fall in love on her

Osmond will like Winsome a lot.

by Leaf.101 November 22, 2021