Female equivalent of a man child; a woman child is a woman who constantly whines, complains, and always has to have things her way 24/7. A woman child doesn't take responsibility for her actions and blames others, very similar to the man child counterpart.
Person 1: "This girl I work with complains ALL the time and is all emotion. I hope she gets upset and quits because her immaturity reminds me of high school."
Person 2: "Wow, what a woman child!"
172👍 32👎
a woman above the age of 25 that is lazy, usually STILL lives at home, and likes to whine. similar to a man child
"I was just chatting online and found some chick who is 35, lives with her dad, and playes World of warcraft all day"--jim
"wow what a woman child!"--bobby
157👍 51👎
a woman above the age of 25 that is lazy, usually STILL lives at home, and likes to whine. similar to a man child
"I was just chatting online and found some chick who is 35, lives with her dad, and playes World of warcraft all day"--jim
"wow what a woman child!"--bobby
82👍 44👎
Hillary Clinton is a true woman child. Always whining and blaming others for her own failures and problems.
40👍 61👎
An adult woman who cherishes her "inner child", likes to have Fun no matter how silly it may seem to others; enjoys child~like activities.
It's so obvious that she's a woman~child.
362👍 18👎
Someone who insists on nagging like a woman, and whining like a child simultaneously.
Alright Mom I'll walk the dog, you don't have to be such a Woman-Child about it.
25👍 53👎
A young woman with all the sexual charms of a female older than her years. Typically Asian women have this appearance. They have the sexual maturity of a woman, but the outward looks of a young girl: unblemished eyes, clear forehead, smooth cheeks, small chin and a generally youthful and innocent appearance. The combination is alluring to men for a number of genetic reasons.
Men are hardwired genetically to prefer youthful looking women because those women with those physical facial attributes have a higher estrogen level, and are hormonally more fecund, or fertile than older women who lose those attributes as their estrogen levels drop with age as they approach menopause.
Feminist driven society in the west attempts to shame men for their attraction to younger women by labeling them perverts. When women age, men find them less appealing for a reason. They are no longer fertile and our genetic imperative to procreate tells us to look for younger mates. The rest of the world still follows this male genetic programming. Sorry gals, it is a scientific fact. Deal with it.
Think about how many times I have fallen
Spirits are using me, larger voices calling
What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten
I have been around the world
Looking for that woman-child
Who knows love can endure
And you know it will. And you know it will.
12👍 55👎