Missing or dismissing information, deliberately or not, to the point of demanding credulity.
Womissing is easily observed in many social settings and normally employed by someone with power against someone of a lower social dynamic. High levels of vanity, paired with stoking shame, is usually observed from the womisser. Fake modesty or claiming oneself modest or fair, while not objectively being so, makes excessive coy behavior womissing.
Anyone can womiss-
The words mansplain and womiss are essentially opposites; the former claims ignorable excessive explanation while the latter highlights deceptive demands. Additionally; mansplain is misandrist while womiss is egalitarian.
Example One
"She womissed until everyone agreed that my idea was hers!"
-Beth, upset a queen bee stole her hard work
Example Two
W: "What do you mean?"
E: "I can explain it another way if you want."
W: "Don't mansplain!"
E: "I wouldn't have to, if you would stop womissing."
Example Three
"Womissers are not attractive."