It is a Korean popular pop girl group. They started their career with 'Irony' and they became star with their 2nd album 'Tell me'. There was even 'Tell me syndrom' in Korea. They started their career on America in 2009.
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a girl who works at Whole Foods in Philly, tattoed, beautiful, funny
Wondergirl bent over to straighten the Burts Bees rack.
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Pseudo-deep and unintelligent obese individual with an overinflated value of her own self-worth. Can be found soliciting cottage cheese from her thighs to lonely, random internet strangers for cash.
See also camwhore, prostitute.
Wondergirl has the most giant and disgusting beef curtains ever photographed by a webcam with 2000% contrast and brightness.
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1. supremely overweight semi-intelligent lifeform. Maintains a website in the hope that a blind or insane person will pay money to see exclusive pictures of her. See also wordemo/word.
2. superhero
Christ, wondergirl is bloated.
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