Basically a person who offers to help with work, but is really bluffing. They have an annoying habit of disappearing immediately after they offer to help thus leaving other people to fill in. The insult is when they conveniently turn up once the work has already been done.
Employee 1: Hey Amy! You look like you need some help there...I'll be free in like 5 minutes if you'd like a hand...
Employee 2: Oh thanks so much Becky! I'll call you in five!
*Employee 1 gets lost and isn't seen again for an hour*
Employee 3: Hey Amy, where's Becky? Isn't she meant to be helping you?
Employee 2: No, she's workfluffing again and I always fall for it!
Employee 3: Oh damn...I hate it when Becky workfluffs me. Makes me wanna smash her face in. Okay Amy I'll help you instead.
*Employee 1 returns an hour later*
Employee 1: Hey Amy, I'm sorry...I was on the phone to my doc about my appointment! It took forever dude!
Employee 3: Never mind Becky...I'm helping her
Employee 2 mumbles: I freaking hate workfluffers! Arrgh!
2👍 1👎