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A want to be yuppie
somebody who is directly out of college with a job and expensive taste, however their job is not nearly as high paying as a yuppies job so they run themselves into debt trying to pay off their expensive and high class clothing, automobiles, cellphones, computes, ect...

student 1: hey did you see the new English teacher's iBook?
student 2: yeah, she must sell crack in order to afford that
student 1: no kidding, shes just another broke wuppie trying to fit in with her ivy league classmates.

by Unclezip July 31, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a chubby kid, a kid that is larger than usual.

1. joel says: woaaah thats one overgrown wuppy.

2. Azazel says: whoaaah that joel is one big wuppy

by wuppy lugz January 24, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Referring to someone who does something stupid.
The word Wuppy can also be used as an adjective, verb or noun to annoy people. It's at its best use when screaming it at the top of your voice, in someone's face, constantly.

Eg. 1
Jack: OMFG she is so stupid.
Alex: You know what she is?She's a fucking wuppy.
Eg. 2
Alex: Wuppy wuppied my wuppy and it was wuppylicious.

by SJ-M June 16, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used in the audio engineering community, referring to Waves Update Plan, โ€œWUPโ€ which the company uses to justify rendering licenses of purchased products completely unusable after a certain period of time.

Can also be used to refer to terrible business practices

โ€œWaves makes some good plugins but WUP made me lose all my plugins. Now my daily drivers are all shot unless I pay for them to give them back.โ€ Person 2: โ€œthatโ€™s so Wuppyโ€

When referring to companies pulling the rug from under their customers:
โ€œThis is the WUPpiest thing Iโ€™ve ever seenโ€

by lostpear November 28, 2024

Puppy wuppy

A person who gets boned on the daily

Cassum: Puppy wuppy got boned
Boulder: I know....

by rayeb May 13, 2022

Puppy wuppy

A Person who likes to get boned by boulderkind

Friend 1: Puppy wuppy got boned

Boulder: I know

by rayeb May 14, 2022


Woke yuppie

That wuppie actually believes government is responsible to pay off student loan debt.

by FUBAR FISTER December 2, 2022