Source Code


xdr is like lol, and mdr (mort de rire; the direct equivalent to lol). It is the abbreviation for exploser de rire (To explode with laughter).

It is not used in a spoken sentence but usually only via text messages and the like.

Via sms:

Person 1: When Chuck Norris was born he drove his mom home from the hospital.
Person 2: xdr

by DukeNuk'em August 30, 2017

3👍 1👎


Big online daterand likes to ban kids and his gf is kieem

lxgic: i saw xdr today on discord with kieem and he banned me cos i confronted him rip

by aNnoymous101232324324 June 16, 2019

1👍 1👎


Congratulations. You have reached unholy levels of boredom. You have nothing left to do in life or your supposed to be writing an essay on goddamn sand in school.

You: I have no life
Me: I know
You: I just typed |?"}>:{+<LP_MKO)NJI(BHU*VGY&CFT^XDR%ZSE$AW#Q@!~ on my computer.
Me: I wrote an Urban Dictionary about that and am now writing and imaginary conversation.
You: -_-

by Unholy levels of boredom February 29, 2020

20👍 2👎


Congrats, you found another pinnacle of boredom. You could be getting your homework done but somehow you got here.

Me: Yo I just typed `1qaz2wssx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-'=\|?"}>:{+<LP_MKO)NJI(BHU*VGY&CFT^XDR%ZSE$AW#Q@!~
David: Bro just get back to work.

by boredomismypassion March 1, 2023

3👍 1👎