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the generation proceeding that which is commonly referred to as "X"

Kids from the Y-Generation are so inquisitive...they are always asking "Why?".

by Caitlin March 2, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cold Y Generation

Classified as the last conscious equipped Generation. Meaning they kind of got the way the world worked, and it's not neccessarily a 'We Are The World' place as many Gen Y parents and pop culture would have them believe. Tend to have a uniqueness about them that needs to be explained.

Defining trait is that they have characteristics of Gen X and so called Gen Y, yet do not really feel like they are part of either. Also remember the Pre-Information age society, Cold War, and the arrival of the Gulf War.

Statisticians usually start at '81 and atop at '85. Strongest alienation seems to be between '81 -'83. Is not regulated to years as this 'in limbo' feeling can go back as far as the late '70s. Seemingly making the original end dates of Gen X as the most accurate.

They might even take offense being called Cold Y and make up their own name.

"Cold Y Generation?" "What the fuck is that?"

by tRuNeTiV October 28, 2008

45๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Generation Y

Generation Y (born between 1980-1994) are also called the Echo-boom generation because their parents are Boomers. This is the last generation to remember the 20th century and the time before the fully digital age. Some grew up with no internet, others remember when dial-up was the big thing, before HDTV, before cell phones were commonplace, when CD players were a must have, when basic cable was luxury and when you went to the video store to rent a VHS and remember the days of Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. The cutoff for Generation Z is not 9/11 as earlier thought, it is the mid 1990s, normally 1994. The last of Generation Y is in high school and no, they do not like Hannah Montana, that is Generation Z. While some of Generation Y is certainly over obsessed with social networking and is very narcissistic, it is still the last generation to remember the pre-Youtube/Facebook/Myspace era and to have connection to the 20th century. Early Yers remember the Cold War, good MTV and all Yers remember when kids TV meant something. Their icons include Michael Jordan, Will Smith and our pin-up girl was Pamela Anderson during the Baywatch days.

When were you born? 1991...ahh, you're Generation Y; remember Sonic for Sega Genesis

That and Super Mario World!

What about you?


You're Generation Z. Do you remember when Yahoo was the #1 search engine?

"Yahoo? It's Google...and why would anyone like CD's?"

by samtskins August 16, 2009

804๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž

Generation Y

Educated dishwashers.

Parents told them to educate theirselves.

Employers told them to go f*** theirselves.

Now that's what Generation Y is about!

by Max_Max85 December 31, 2011

500๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž

generation y

Todays teenagers. Growing up with too much information being pushed upon them, usually about DEATH and THE WORLD ENDING. Thus making them constantly ask "WHY?" as their addiction to information becomes stronger.

"hey generation y, there's just in.. YOU ARE ALL going to DIE in a terrorist attack!"

"when I grow up I want to be a researcher in nuclear physics or find a cure for cancer"


"well this planet's fucked lets see if we can find another one to live on"

"studies show that being healthy ISN'T REALLY AS HEALTHY AS YOU THINK!"

by chris penney November 7, 2005

814๐Ÿ‘ 288๐Ÿ‘Ž

generation y

A cohert of people commonly known as the Millenials, or the Next Greatest Generation. The actual demographics of the birth boom occurred between 1980 to 1994. Meaning those born from the beginning of 1980 to the end of 1993. Those born in 1994 and after are excluded. They are the children of the Baby Boomers (post WW2 1945-1964) and are known as the Echo Boomers. They remember a time before the technology boom of the mid to late 90's and grew up influenced by Cold War Era, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the attacks on 9/11, 1992 Rodney King Riots, the late 80's early 90's recession, the Gulf War, and the Y2K bug. The latest members of Generation Y were born during the presidency of George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the US. They grew up without cell phones, but rather pagers, without Ipods, but rather CD players, without computers, or internet. Internet had only begun to become widespread in early 1994, hence the end of the generation. They remember the early toys of the late 80's and early 90's such as Gameboy, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, N64, Furby, Pogs. Popular sitcoms of the generation include Full House, Saved by the Bell, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Bay Watch, the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Married with Children. As well as cartoons such as Dragon Ball Z, the Pinky and the Brain, Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butthead, Doug, the Animaniacs, etc.

generation y gen y milennials the millenials echo boomers children of baby boomers baby boomers generation z gen z next greatest generation the next greatest generation greatest generation baby boom rodney king riots y2k y2k bug gulf war collapse soviet union george h.w. bush george bush pagers super nintendo sega genesis 1992 cold war cold war era 90's 1990's born after 1994

by Demographic Research July 21, 2011

94๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

generation y

The population of those following Generation X, born roughly between 1978 and 1995, and for the longest time not carrying much cultural distinction from the already identity lacking generation proceeding it. As of more recently, things like 9/11, the war on terror and perhaps the explosion of the world wide web will come to be associated with this still developing generation.

Generation Y will likely be remembered as the cyber generation.

by ringgoddess October 9, 2005

226๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž