a guy who can obliterate japan in 2 hours just by talking
Guy 1 : Hey Vsauce! Michael here.
And here. Michael here! hey vsauce!
what is here? …. what is there? what is there?
What REALLY exists? Do waves exist or are there just things that are wavy?
When does a piece of food I’ve eaten stop being food and become me?
Do chairs exist?
Ontology is the philosophy of existence. And chairs are what philosophers call ORDINARY OBJECTS.
Ordinary objects are the plain old common sense things we deal with every day: spoons,
buckets, rocks, stuff like that. Their existence is as obvious as possible
but the more we try to sus out where they are, the more sus they become.
First of all, sure, this could all be a dream. Maybe we’ve all been hallucinating chairs all these years.
Or this could part of the simulated reality pumped into our brains while our bodies are
harvested for energy. But underneath that skepticism there’s a deeper ONTOLOGICAL question that we need to
answer first. Regardless of whether this spoon is made of real atoms or simulated atoms, is it really
possible to be “made of” something? Take a look at these two things.
As we all know, two minus one is … TWO?!
There ARE two things here: An origami crane AND a piece of paper.
I’m kidding, of course, there’s really just one: the crane and the piece of pape-