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Tetragrammaton -- The formula by which a vicious demonic desert blood-god of the ancient semites identified itself to Moses. It must truly have been terrifying to be a people 'Chosen' for special attention by such a monstrous entity, as the woeful narrative of the Old Testament makes clear.

The ancient provenance of YHVH is either a storm-god or a god of destruction and fire, with a taste for blood and sacrifice.

by Figleaf23 August 5, 2007

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A popular acronym of consonants that has been around for roughly 3 000 years. Also known as the Mob that Hates Vowels.

For the record it must be stated that linguist Émile Benveniste wrote in his 1959 essay « Kicking the Shit out of Abrahamic Dogma », that « The letter Y is not a product of Antiquity. It is rather a much more recent introduction to the alphabet, appearing sometime during the 12th century AD. It is believed that the letter Y was introduced by the Crusaders in order to function as a counter-vowel, in such a way that it colonizes textual space and thrives to evict anything in it’s way, mainly genuine vowels, resulting in incoherent speech and meaningless beliefs. Thus, for the purpose of free communication between individuals, the letter Y connot be considered a vowel but must be placed in the category of the consonants. »

YHVH is a linguistic construction.

by AlabamaBaby April 6, 2021


Most Hebrew scholars give "Yahweh" as being the correct pronunciation of this name.

"Jehovah" is a pronunciation that has evolved as a result of time, multiple translations from one language to another, and an ignorance of the Masorites inserting vowels for alternate, substitute titles.

YHWH/YHVH = Yahweh.

"Yahweh" is not a title, rather it is the creator's personal name. It means "I AM WHO I AM" and is His name FOREVER (Exodus 3:14-15); it does NOT mean "Lord" ("Baal" = "Lord") and "God" is the exact pronunciation of G-a-D, the false deity spoken of in ISAIAH 65:11 sometimes translated as "that Troop", "Fortune" or "Fate".

Why not simply call the creator by His actual name?

by Rabbi J. Golden June 4, 2009

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Also known as the Tetragrammaton, this is one of the Hebrew names for God. The Latinized version is rendered Jehovah approximately.

Literally means, "I AM."

It should be noted that God declared Himself to Moses using this name, and Jesus also declared Himself to the Jewish officials using this name.

"And God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM.' And He said, 'Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you."' Moreover God said to Moses, 'Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: "The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations."'"
- Exodus 3:14-15

"Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.'"
- John 8:58

by Grim Winnebago January 9, 2004

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The holy name of the Lord God of Israel. YHVH is the God of the Jews, Christians and, in theory, Muslims.

Hebrew has no vowels so the spelling is just Yod(Y) He(H) Vau(V/W) He(H)

Jews thought it was blasphemy to say the name of God. Since they never said the name, people no longer know how to pronounce it.

Most people think it was pronounced Yahveh although it has previously been thought to be Jehovah.

When Jews speak about God they just say HaShem (the name).

YHVH Is Great.

by Anonymous August 9, 2003

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"YHWH/YHVH", called the Tetragrammaton (four letters), this is not The Most High's name. This is the incommunicable name spoken of by Solomon, saying that this name was ascribed unto stones (ancient artifacts) and stocks (ancient manuscripts) for the purpose to deceive the world (c.f, Wisdom of Solomon 14:21, see also Rev 12:9).

The name of the Most High is "Ahayah" and He commanded the children of Israel in Exodus 23:13 NOT to invoke (call on) the name of lesser deities. And He also spoke a future prophecy which is located in Hosea 2:16 saying, it shall be in that day...you shall CALL ME NO MORE BAALI.

The word Baali is No. 1180 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and its a symbolical name for יהוה (YHWH).

So with that small snippet of knowledge uncovering Satan's shame out of the way, now let's scrutinize the name of יהוה (YHWH) to reveal the true meaning behind the name.

In Hebrew, the prefix י (Y) means He.

The root word הוה (HWH) is No. 1943 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of “mischief, ruin.”

Another form of No. 1943 is No. 1942, ‘HWH’, which is translated “calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.”

Put the two (Y + HWH) together and you get “He is mischief, ruin, calamity, perversion, and wickedness”. And don’t forget ‘noisome‘ – which means it stinks! Simply put, יהוה (YHWH) is The deity of Evil!

Y = He is
HWH = Mischief
YHWH aka The father of lies

YHWH/YHVH, is the got damn devil that the bible speaks of!

by Ahman Yasharahla February 11, 2022

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