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It's was originaly YUPE (Young Upwardly Progressive Entrereneur)
also has an inverse alternative NUMPTE

that YUPE twat in his flash sports car gets on my tits :P (comment/critisism)

by Joe June 25, 2004

58πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


a word used to describe someone who uses the affirmative a lot.

guy, trying to chat up a seemingly hott girl: "what's up?"
girl: "yup"
guy: "eh?!!!"
girl: "yup"
*guy leaves*

by yessee June 27, 2004

12πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Stands for Young Urban Professional. Yuppies are usually the children of doctors and lawyers, hold Master's degrees from Ivy League universities, and are very concerned with their appearance. Many were in fraternities and many live in expensive houses or apartments.

Yuppies can typically be seen in large metropolitan areas such as Portland or New York. Their wardrobe consists of grey, black or khakhi slacks, usually with grey, striped or pastel colored suit jackets and shirts. Yuppies typically take the idea of competing for social status extremely seriously. Their culture revolves around Starbucks coffee, expensive foreign restaurants and romantic comedies starring Julia Roberts or Tom Hanks. Yuppies generally only hold political views that are considered trendy.
Many yuppies go into fields such as politics, big business, public administration, medicine and law. You may have worked for one.

The most popular movie about yuppie culture is American Psycho.

Yuppies are what happens to hipsters and preps when they grow up.

by douche bag from hell March 24, 2011

922πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


Members of an overpriced household in an overpriced area with overpriced posessions, none of which are prepared to clean their own toilet, or put out the trash.

Yuppie 1: "The skivvy is refusing to clean the en-suite"
Yuppie 2: "Just get the gardener to use the shovel when hes finished pruning the cumbrellas what ever they are, and make sure he puts out the trash before he goes".

by Pictii October 1, 2014

180πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Self absorbed pompous, selfish, spoiled and morally corrupt individuals between the ages of 25 and 40. Usually have a master’s degree and a hot wife or girlfriend. They love $7.00 cups of coffee, European cars, designer clothing, outrageously expensive homes and watching the stock market 24/7.

They’ll have one or two kids that tend to be little versions of their parents – spoiled, loud and demand attention. Their wives never work and spend most of their time at the mall, at the spa, at Starbucks with other yuppie wives or banging the pool boy because they’re husbands are too busy making more money.

Yuppie - Oh dear, I can't fit the baby seat in the Porsche.

by glum68 August 12, 2008

496πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


Informal for (y)oung (U)rban (P)rofessional, or Yup. turned into yuppie in the 1980's. A term used to describe someone who is young, possibly just out of college, and who has a high-paying job and an affluent lifestyle. Can now be used to describe any rich person who is not modest about their financial status. Yuppiedom (yuppie-dum)is a term used to describe an involvement in being a yuppie.

Yuppie-I'm going to go drive my ferrari to the seafood place for a $500 lobster.
Average person-I'm gonna fuck your wife, take your time with the lobster.

by Don June 23, 2005

6377πŸ‘ 1797πŸ‘Ž


(n.) Used to stand for Young Urban Professionals, but has now strayed to define the 20-year-olds at Starbucks who type for hours on their laptops, probably writing a novel that they apparently want EVERYONE at Starbucks to be interested in. They often wear stylish black glasses, slim black clothing, tote yoga mats, and big bulky colored scarves regardless of the temperature outside. They are health conscious, live off salad and black coffee, and often frequent poetry slams and wear jaunty berets. If you ask them what they are writing about, expect to be either talked down to, or have them use the biggest words they can think of, even if they're out of context, hoping you don't know the meaning anyway.

Mitch: "Hey look, I've always wondered what it is those yuppies type away on."
Frank: "Bad idea man."
Mitch: "S'cuse me miss, can I ask what you're writing?"
Yuppie: (Looks up from coffee as if she's never seen people before) "It's an esoteric collectivist's detailed analysis of the resurgence of middle-American culture in relation to the increase in demand for soy milk since its invention in-"
Frank and Mitch have died.

by ThankYouDahling August 8, 2010

453πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž