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Yader is the type of person to ignore your cry for help. Instead a Yader will continue to do whatever he is doing. A Yader usually doesn't have remorse for anyone and will go a long for whatever makes other people laugh because he's so empty on the inside.

P1: Wow that guy looks exactly like a Yader
P2: I know right? Look at him.

by HHSomeone August 3, 2019

8👍 4👎


Yader usually a guy with a big cock 10-12 inch and gets all the girls

Did you guys know that people who have the name Yader usually have big dicks

by Ieull February 15, 2019

22👍 13👎


Yader is a action verb to yade meaning to come kill from behind while one has a large combo or killing spree!

Person1: Man I was about to get the nuke in MW2, but then I was Yadered!
Person2: Dude that sucks

by MizuK April 26, 2010

10👍 10👎


When you are a lit, fun, cool person

You are so yaders.

by Yadeers3 February 9, 2021

3👍 3👎