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The loudness one adopts in response to a bad cell-phone connection, in the misguided hope that talking louder will improve the connection.

"I'm so embarrassed. I went totally yellular at a restaurant last night."

by zooa November 3, 2003

6216👍 2279👎


... as above...

I often hear my Afghan roommate screaming in Dari through her cell phone at her family at 3 IN THE MORNING hoping that her increased volume will somehow multiply her comprehensibility over the 7500 miles... that's yellular technology.

by Hasenpfeffer23 March 25, 2009

15👍 11👎


The point in a cell phone conversation were one person begins loudly verbalizing their disapproval, discomfort, or other negative emotion. This person usually attracts a lot of attention, and surrounding public may be inclined to ask the person to quite down.

Oh man! Yesterday I was on a date with Lisa, when Stephanie called and told me she had STDs. I totally went yellular on her and rode her ass about how that was so not okay with me.
Then the waiter came and told me to take it outside, so I decked his ass and left.

by foxiemoxie123 September 22, 2008

27👍 97👎