Source Code


An atypical war hero in cyberspace genetisism. Usually distraught about noob tongue biters who are displacent on ethical code involving the real xenoverse, these cybernetic beings have one universal job: to alphabetize high trasher society's normalities in an abnormal disputation of critiquing error code in rooting logistics.

In social gatherings, a Zilla-Morph transits circle jerk populace in an attempt to collect all salvageable intellect conformaties, and use the gathered populace's cognizance against foreigners implementing ideations of anomaly friendship.
Zilla-Morphs don't run in packs and present similar behaviors to that of the methodically conspired atom.
Species: Mongooses


Certain heterosexual vampires

iI'm the only 'aware' alien at this party and this troll-monger zilla-morph is causing an anti-immigration coalition to conserve political energy! I must engage it...i

Gary (Scottish in America): Sup, Matt? Have you read the one about Xenophobia?!

Matt (Idolized Alpha-Male: Yeah! biI'm goodib

by Bidwellish Debater March 7, 2019