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ad nauseam

From the Latin term, meaning "to nausea." Used when something has been covered, explained, or talked about to the point of nausea, or to the point where it makes one sick.

Why must everyone tell me about that? It's been talked about ad nauseam!

by mmhmm January 24, 2005

147👍 31👎

Ad Nauseam

Ad Nauseam: 1. Repetitious to the point of wanting to throw up.
2. Going nowhere. Saying something so many times a student will absolutely not learn from his or her teacher. Kinda like a cycle of abuse, in a merri-go-round type of way.

1. I have heard them so much either I want to stick pencils in my eardrums or toss my lunch, they are ad nauseam.

2. Charlie Brown hears "wa wa wa wa wa" when his teacher speaks ad nauseam.

by Furmanski February 16, 2019

7👍 3👎

tedium ad nauseam

Tedium ad nauseam is the deathly boring combination of tedium (Latin for boredom) and ad nauseam (another Latin term used when something has been covered, explained, or talked about to the point of nausea ).

Cub reporter Gwyneth experienced a severe case of tedium ad nauseam when she was assigned by her newspaper to cover the speeches of Senator Harley "Windbag" Bottomsworth.

by beansforbreakfast July 20, 2019

125👍 13👎

Geico ad nauseam

A specific form of ad nauseam resulting from the excessive broadcasting of Geico commercials.

Feelings of disgust or annoyance that result from being exposed to too many Geico promotions.

I've started muting commercial breaks just to avoid the Geico ad nauseam.

by redPooka January 8, 2021