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Athletic shoes: frequently seen misspelling of adidas.

I just got a new pair of addidas shelltoes.

by Charlie March 14, 2005

35👍 16👎


Pot. If youve ever stared at the addidas logo long enough, it's undeniable, it looks like a marijuana leaf in a way.

Hey you, can you hook a sister up with some addidas?

by Xtine Max January 2, 2004

29👍 27👎


crips slang for bklood killa

a cuzzin addidas

by Psyc'Co Loc'C March 9, 2004

13👍 31👎


This clothing line was made famous by the most popular hip hop group RUN DMC.Now like Sean John it has been DEGRADED,SHITTED ON,SPITTED on.Addidas was once famous and beatiful.Now i am in utter discust that this group of fearsome "Kaj Nazarz" (armoz) have worn the same piece of "Addidas" for centuries.They have turned soccer warumps into a fasion..God knows what this group of i guess you can call them people will demoralize next.

I am to disgusted to give an example sorry...

by Garen November 15, 2004

17👍 34👎


Blood gang member, term usually used by crips .

That nigga right down the street is ADDIDAS .

by Gothamcityan September 23, 2017

1👍 1👎

addidas trackie

Slang for a person of Pakistani origin

The owner of that shop is a addidas trackie

by Slackballs March 30, 2016


A singular shoe from a pair of Addidas.

Hence, one "Addida"

"Who da fuck threw that mufuckin', busted ass got-damn addida?" - DaBaby, Rolling Loud 2021

by Sloth.exe November 8, 2021