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Adhu A.

Some virgin kid who claims to be part lion

Adhu A. is a lion when it comes to talking to freshman girls

by Chadd100 June 27, 2019

Adhu Seri

It literally means, "That's right." But it is commonly used as a universal reply - usually coupled with an emoji appropriate to the context - when you do not know what to respond to the information you just received.

U1: Yov, mone. Enakku kannu therla yaa

Pa1: Adhu seri 🥲

by Boopalabhagavan March 9, 2024


Ate dem hoes up !

girl your insta pic adhu!”

by jariyahhh December 21, 2023


ate dem hoes up !

“girl ur insta pic adhu!”

by jariyahhh December 21, 2023


Synonym of poop

There was a adhu in middle of the road.

by Zyx007 May 10, 2021