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1. a group or "flock" of preps who share similar values and over pay for brightly coloured clothing bearing the "aeropostale" logo. they are occasionally seen wearing other brand names such as holister or abercrombie. aeropostales can usually be found around the volleyball court, flirting with teachers, listening to radio music or flinching at dirty jokes

"Look, there go the aeropostales!"

"Woah, they exist outside the mall?!"

"I guess daddy's credit card got cancelled"

by David Berkowitz :) May 25, 2009

281๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


Despite the juvenile monkeys and butterflies, Aeropostale has good quality clothing for half the price of American Eagle or Abercrombie and Fitch. It is, by no means, a 'wannabe prep store'; it is a store for people who like their fashionable and comfortable aparrel and have more sense than to waste money on a worse quality, over-priced Abercrombie shirt. Just because someone shops at Aeropostale doesn't mean they are too poor to afford clothes elsewhere, it just means that they are excersizing some practicality in the way of clothes-buying instead of spending frivilously like the majority of today's youth.

Stephanie: Want to go to Aeropostale today?
Courtney: No way, that store is for like wannabes who like can't afford Abercrombie like us but still want to be all like cool and stuff.
Stephanie: Yeah, I guess you're right.

The truth of the matter is that these girls are developing superior attitudes to those who merely want comfortable clothes that will not make them fall into debt. For them, evidently, money grows on trees, so they have nothing to worry about. However, not all people are this fortunate and would rather save their money for a more important cause and will settle for cute, appropriate clothes.

by liquidd May 13, 2006

1151๐Ÿ‘ 561๐Ÿ‘Ž


An affordable prep store with nice clothes at good prices

I'm sick and tired of all you people bashing aeropostale just because it is the cheapest of the prep stores. I shop at aeropostale and have some shirts from ae. I can't stand to have to listen to you kids say that hollister and a and f are so much better just because they cost more. i mean why the hell would i want to go to a and f and spend $50 on a single shirt when i could go to aero and get 5 for that same price. i don't know about you but i like getting the most out of my money. also all you people talk about how a and f and hollister are made out of higher quality materials. give me a break, none of you people have any idea of what a high quality material is and you know it. do me a favor and take a look at the tag in your $50 shirt and tell me what it says. i bet you its made out of cotton and the shirt was probably made in tailand with all the rest of the shirts made by everyone else. so just because you spend more money on shits than me doesn't make any better of a person than i am and you think it does than that is really sad and you need to get a life. if all you kids do is bash aero all day than you are really the pathetic ones because you have nothing better to do with your lives.

Aeropostale and you people need to accept it, just because the other stores are more expensive doesn't make them better and you people need to realize that.

by ryan033 April 8, 2006

846๐Ÿ‘ 409๐Ÿ‘Ž


Aeropostale is a teen clothing store that is commonly grouped with Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister Co., and American Eagle. However, it is also regarded as the "cheapest" of the group. This may or may not be true, because they are generally the same in quality, but the other three's original prices on their items are much higher (especially A&F and HCO, which sell T-shirts for $38 in a heartbeat).

Aero sells clothes and other items (jewelry, sunglasses, bags, etc.) for both females and males. From personal experience, I notice that a lot of people well above their teen years still shop here, for some reason. Although most styles are meant for younger people, the simpler and more basic things can be stretched to people of at most 8 years older.

Lately, it seems that Aeropostale has been taking cues from the other three main teen retailers. They have removed the monkeys and butterflies from their clothes and general image, and instead replaced it with a more clean and "mature" "A87" logo. Their models and advertisements generally use the same people all the time, unlike the other stores (probably more cost-effective). Also, they are always fully clothed and doing fun, G-rated things instead of a more romantic and mature theme like A&F and HCO use. This new advertising (as well as the logo) is probably used to attract more of the customers that go to the other three, rather than thinking of Aero as a monkey-butterfly-glittery-kiddish brand. Their original selling price can also hurt your wallet if you are on a tight budget.

Their sales are much better than A&F and HCO, however. Stuff can get extremely cheap, especially near the ends of the seasons. Aero hires people of all shapes and sizes and doesn't hire based on looks, as A&F and HCO are known to do.

Seeing as most people were slightly disturbed by the butterflies and monkeys, I'm guessing Aero will make an even bigger name for itself in teen retail in the near future. It's a good place to shop, in my opinion.

Girl 1: Where do you like to shop?
Girl 2: Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, Forever 21, and Aeropostale!
Girl 1's aunt: I like to shop at Aero too! I'm 30 but hey, their stuff isn't kiddish anymore so no one notices!
Both girls: ...

by ncl11 September 6, 2009

133๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


Aeropostale an awesome store that is ALOT cheaper than Abercrombie. (I have nothing against Abercrombie tho except that they are pretty expensive) If you shop there it doesn't mean you're a poser, or you're poser, it means you've got taste but you're not going to pay $35 for a shirt that will fall apart the day you put it in the wash. Aeropostale shirts last for years. SO YOU'RE NOT POOR IF YOU SHOP THERE!!!!

Girl 1: Hey lets go to Aeropostale this weekend.
Girl 2: Ok, then we can buy 2 shirts for like what they charge at Abercrombir for one!!

by ~*Cait99*~ April 15, 2006

396๐Ÿ‘ 221๐Ÿ‘Ž


it's a clothing store. that's it. for all u losers that spend ur entire day trash talking people who wear aeropostale u can just get a life.

Aero guy: let's go to aeropostale

by aero kid March 5, 2008

203๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


Contrary to the apparent Midwestern belief, Aeropostale is not "preppy". (Nor are Hollister and American Eagle, though Abercrombie was formerly a preppy brand until their racy adds took that title away from them. True preppy brands are Lilly Pulitzer, Vineyard Vines, Lacoste, etc.) Aeropostale's style is what I would mostly consider sporty/a typical teenage store. Many people on here have complained about their clothes, but for the most part they really aren't that bad at all. Not my style, particularly, but there's nothing bad about shopping at Aeropostale. They have low prices that are fair in comparison to their nice clothes. The materials are pretty soft, and very durable, just not anything that special or different.

Average Girl: hey, I heard there's a sale at Aeropostale!
Average Girl 2: awesome! let's buy 2 for 1 basic camis!

by Whatspseudonym January 9, 2014

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž