Source Code


when your so bloody bored you think your going insane, you try to get create and type 'alskdjfhgqpwoeirutyzmxncbv' in thinking surely no ones thought of this combo yet!

I wonder what combo hasn't been tried yet, I know! alskdjfhgqpwoeirutyzmxncbv'! That hasn't been tried yet!
To bad , I have, suck it up buddy.

by Deadlock6 May 7, 2018

92👍 9👎


1. You have already typed a dumb amount of crazy qwertyuiop combinations and are brimming on insanity. You will become insane soon after searching alskdjfhgzmxncbvqpwoeiruty. I would suggest you get back to your important exam.

2. You decided to get smart, eh? Tried to find something that had no definitions! well, nope.

Person 1: I'm bored.
Person 2: Try qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
Person 1: No, I already tried that.
Person 2: Oh. Then mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq
Person 1: alskdjfhgqpwoeirutyzmxncbv
Person 2: OMG run he's insane
*crowd dies in shock*

by ayeet! June 15, 2021

11👍 1👎


the final part of the story

person 1 searches alskdjfhgqpwoeirutyzmxncbv
hallucination 1 2 3 4 and 5 kills person 1 due to going to bored
person 1 accends to bored god
person 1 asdfghjklqwertyuiopmznxbcv

by vanilla8989 January 25, 2022

1👍 1👎


You are bored out of your mind and you've already typed qpwoeirutyalskdjfhgzmxncbv zmxncbvalskdjfhgqpwoeiruty

No human being should be on this level of boredom. Do something.


by IfImOnHereImBored September 10, 2019

2👍 2👎


when you are sooooo not liking some one and you want to mute them

im sooo going to alskdjfhgqpwoeirutyzmxncbv James

by ima shoot ya October 30, 2020

4👍 2👎